I am Buffy the Vampire Slayer, except my vampire killing gene hasn't kicked in yet.
I am Ginny Weasley, I just haven't gotten my letter to Hogwarts.
I am Rose Tyler, just before the Tardis and the Doctor come spinning into my life.
What happens though when you really start to feel like them? When the phrase " -->The first nineteen years of my life, nothing happened. Nothing at all, not ever." Resonates a little more than it should. Inside of me I feel the strongest feeling of "GO" but where? Where do I go to? I'm just waiting for life to bring me my epic adventure but nothing is happening. Right now I'd even settle to have a closet that leads to Narnia.
I don't need something mystical, or magical. or even something permenant. A lot of the characters have their adventure and then just go back to normal life. I just want something I remember. Something to remind me, when I go back to the "plan" that for once I broke the mold.
I'm tired of living my life through other peoples adventures. So here is my epic question.... How? I know it's different for every person but I'd like to know how you all did it. Was your adventure a service trip in Africa? Back packing across Europe? Switching majors? Enlighten me. Teach me your ways so I can find the adventure that is so keenly avoiding me.
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