Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's always just around the corner or you're on your way to somewhere

Reading books or plays, watching tv or movies are great things. It has the ability to make you see your life differently than you had before. All of the sudden you can experience things you couldn't before, and all in the comfort of your living room. You can relate to people and characters that have circumstances different than your own.

I am Buffy the Vampire Slayer, except my vampire killing gene hasn't kicked in yet. 
I am Ginny Weasley, I just haven't gotten my letter to Hogwarts. 

I am Rose Tyler, just before the Tardis and the Doctor come spinning into my life.

What happens though when you really start to feel like them? When the phrase " -->The first nineteen years of my life, nothing happened. Nothing at all, not ever."  Resonates a little more than it should. Inside of me I feel the strongest feeling of "GO" but where? Where do I go to? I'm just waiting for life to bring me my epic adventure but nothing is happening. Right now I'd even settle to have a closet that leads to Narnia.

I don't need something mystical, or magical. or even something permenant. A lot of the characters have their adventure and then just go back to normal life. I just want something I remember. Something to remind me, when I go back to the "plan" that for once I broke the mold.

I'm tired of living my life through other peoples adventures. So here is my epic question.... How? I know it's different for every person but I'd like to know how you all did it. Was your adventure a service trip in Africa? Back packing across Europe? Switching majors? Enlighten me. Teach me your ways so I can find the adventure that is so keenly avoiding me.

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